
Getting Started with Natural Language Processing

Humans communicate with language, but computers communicate with data. Discover how to translate between the two in this course.

4.35 out of 5 stars
29,834 learners enrolled
  • Skill level

  • Time to complete

    Average based on combined completion rates — individual pacing in lessons, projects, and quizzes may vary
    1 hour
  • Certificate of completion

    Included with paid plans
  • Prerequisites


About this course

From your virtual assistant recommending a restaurant to that terrible autocorrect you sent your parents, natural language processing (NLP) is a rapidly growing presence in our lives. NLP is all about how computers work with human language. Don’t just use NLP tools — make them!

Skills you'll gain

  • Use basic text pre-processing techniques

  • Gain familiarity with various types of language models

  • Use topic modeling to understand a text


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Hands-on learning

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Mobile-friendly version of a lesson and code editor for the course 'Introduction to HTML' running in Codecademy's learning environment
An AI-generated hint within the instructions of a Codecademy project
Animated GIF of a mouse cursor hovering over the Python term "comment" displaying a Docs tooltip within a Codecademy lesson

Getting Started with Natural Language Processing course ratings and reviews

4.35 out of 5 stars
185 ratings
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  5. 1 star
  • The progress I have made since starting to use codecademy is immense! I can study for short periods or long periods at my own convenience - mostly late in the evenings.
    Codecademy Learner @ USA
  • I felt like I learned months in a week. I love how Codecademy uses learning by practice and gives great challenges to help the learner to understand a new concept and subject.
    Codecademy Learner @ UK
  • Brilliant learning experience. Very interactive. Literally a game changer if you're learning on your own.
    Codecademy Learner @ USA

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